
What can I do?

Anyone can champion a cause. Advocacy may sound intimidating, but it can really be quite simple.

    • Start conversations wtih friends and neighbors about important community issues. Don’t wait for someone else to get the ball rolling; it may never happen.
    • Reach out to members of your local government about issues you’d like to see changed. Write letters, send e-mails, schedule a meeting; anything to make them aware of what is important to YOU.
    • Wear your LIVE UNITED shirt. This nearly always provides an opening to start a conversation.

What is United Way Doing?

United Way has broadened its approach far beyond the traditional functions of raising funds and distributing them. While those functions remain vital, we now place equal emphasis on developing and maximizing a wider range of resources to address priority community needs.

Today we are:

  • Expanding how and with whom we collaborate to affect community change;
  • Leveraging and maximizing resources;
  • Contracting directly with qualified agencies;
  • Investing in Family Resource Centers;
  • Improving our Volunteer Center’s ability to recruit volunteers;
  • Helping organizations access other sources of program funding;
  • Making it easier for people to find the help they need;
  • Sharpening our focus on developing a system of services that produce real, measurable results.
  • United Way actively seeks opportunities to connect people and organizations to resources that improve communities and the lives of people in them.